Heart Freedom is the third series of the film trilogy, Independence, complement the film and its predecessor the Red White and Blood Garuda. In this film, we'll be back reunited with Captain Amir (Lukman Sardi) and his men, Dayan (T Rifnu Wikana) which is now mute, Tomas (Donny Alamsyah), Marius (Darius Sinathrya), and a warrior woman, Sunset (Rahayu Saraswati ).
Still continue the story of a guerrilla struggle for independence, which is where the story before, they lost one member of the group when completing an important mission. This time the loyalty of this group actually re-tested in more severe with the resignation of their leader, Amir.
Although the leaders of its members actually left undaunted by the continuing struggle again they have done. The mission this time was more severe, they should go to Bali to kill Colonel Raymer (Michael Bell), who had killed the family of Thomas at the beginning of this trilogy. Thomas was eventually chosen to lead this mission. By using pinisi ships they fought until the destination is Bali. But their struggle was tested with the presence of Dutch warships are bombarding their ship. They did not give up so easily, struggles to come to Bali to do to the death for the sake of completing their mission, killing Raymer.
It would be interesting to see the end of the trilogy this Merdeka, whether Yadi Sugandi Allyn and Connor manages to present a fascinating cover story the audience? or even Heart Independence became the cover story that disappointing? You have to judge for yourself, watch the Free began airing on June 9, 2011.
Synopsis: With the background of the days of the revolution in 1948, follow the journey of a group of independent HEART cadets who later became a guerrilla army after the massacre of the cadet candidates Read More
Runtime: 100 min.
Staring: Lukman Sardi, Donny Alamsyah, Darius Sinathrya, Rahayu Saraswati
Director: Yadi Sugandi, Conor Allyn
Screenwriter: Conor Allyn
Studio: Media Indonesia & Margate Village House Films
filmnya keren gan,...
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